* 서울대 면접의 경우 제시문과 관련하여 명시되지 않은 물음이나 돌발 질문에 대처하는 능력을 활성화시켜 주는 것이 중요하다. 다음은 작년에 사용했던 훈련 문제들 중 하나로 버리는 것이기에 올려 본다.
* 영어 면접 자료
* 어느 보고서의 일부인 다음 제시문을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (준비시간 15분)
It’s not just what happens inside the classroom that determines a child’s status as an adult. Accomplishments outside the classroom can be just as influential. Yes, a basic public education is in principle free to all (though of course quality correlates with property values). But activities outside of school are not free, so they largely benefit already advantaged kids. While we talk a lot about inequalities between the rich and the poor, and the role school quality plays in perpetuating class divisions, one often overlooked factor is the opportunities middle- and upper-middle-class kids get to strengthen their life skills through organized competitive activities outside of the school system.
I spent 16 months on soccer fields and in dance studios and school basements, conducting nearly 200 interviews with parents, children, teachers, and coaches associated with competitive chess, dance, and soccer. Millions of American children engage in these three competitive after-school activities each year (travel soccer alone has over 3 million children playing on U.S. Youth Soccer teams), in addition to a multitude of other athletic and artistic options from music competitions to tennis to shooting.
The group of 95 families I met almost all belong to the broadly defined “middle class,” although a few were lower-income and many were upper-middle class. Training a lens on more affluent families helps us understand how and why the professionalization of children’s competitive after-school activities has become an important way that the middle class has institutionalized its advantage over others.
1. 부모들은 자신의 아이들이 방과후 활동을 통해서 다음 다섯가지 능력을 배우기를 희망합니다. 저는 이 능력을 ‘경쟁적 아이 자본(Competitive Kid Capital)’이라고 부릅니다. 경쟁적 아이 자본을 ‘경쟁에서 이기는 것’, ‘경쟁에서 지는 것’, ‘시간 관리’, ‘적응력’, ‘압박 속에서도 우아함 지키기’라는 요인과 관련해 설명해 본다면?
2. 미국 중산층 가족의 방과 후 수업과 우리나라 학교 방과 후 수업이 보여 주는 공통점과 차이점은 무엇이라 생각하는가?
3. 위 물음 1, 2 이외에 제시문과 관련해 생각해 볼 수 있는 물음 세 개를 만들어 본다면
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