* 2015 한양대 국제학부 영어 면접 훈련 1 ( 총 5단계 중 하나)
Read the following passage to prepare an English Presentation as direcyed below and be ready for an English interview.
(A) If you have ever made a list of pros and cons to help you make a decision, you have used the utilitarian method of moral reasoning. one of the main ethical theories, utilitarianism posits that the key to deciding what makes an act morally right or wrong is its consequences. Whether our intentions are good or bad is irrelevant; what matters is whether the result of our actions is good or bad. To utilitarians, happiness is the ultimate goal of human beings and the highest moral good. Thus, if there is great unhappiness because of an act, then that action can be said to be morally wrong. If, on the other hand, there is great happiness because of an action, then that act can be said to be morally right. Utilitarians believe that we should carefully weigh the potential consequences of an action before we take it. Will the act lead to things that will make us, or others, happy? Will it make us, or others, unhappy? According to utilitarians, we should choose to do that which creates the greatest amount of good (happiness) for the greatest number of people. This can be difficult to determine, though, because sometimes an act can create short-term happiness but misery in the long term. Another problematic aspect of utilitarianism is that it deems it acceptable—indeed, even necessary—to use another person as a means to an end and sacrifice the happiness of one or a few for the happiness of many.
(B) A pair of adult identical twins in Belgium have been legally killed at their request, the men's doctor told journalists. The 45-years-old men, who were born deaf, spent their lives side-by-side — growing up together and then, as adults, sharing an apartment and working as cobblers together, according to Belgian media reports. ... After winning approval from the necessary authorities, the two men received lethal injections at a Belgian hospital in December. Dufour described their last moments: "They had a last cup of coffee and everything was fine. They said goodbye to their parents and brother and all was serene. They waved — and that was that." Under a 2002 law, Belgians are allowed to end their own lives if a doctor judges an individual has made his or her wishes clear and is suffering unbearable pain. The case of the twins was unusual because the two men were not approaching the end of their natural lives nor were they terminally ill. |
Task for the Presentation
1. Summarize the main idea of the passage (A)
2. Justify ‘Deaf Twins’ Case’ in (B) by the main idea of the passage (A)
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